This photo is a courtesy of Jack Villarpando, as he was the instructor that allowed me to make my first solo flight.
When we took-off from the Salvador International Airport on that day of March 2012, I could hardly imagine that I was going to make my first solo flight. A few days back I had had instruction with Jack already and, although it was not bad, it was not really perfect.
During the first landing in Vera Cruz, Ilha de Itaparica, Jack turned to me and told me to stop the plane. “Yes Sir, my Captain”, I said to myself. He opened the door, stepped out and completed: “Now you go out there by yourself. I will be here waiting for you.”
The solitude invaded the cockpit. The instructor seat empty and a mix of anxiety but courage as well invaded me and pressed my chest.
The take-off briefing took a bit longer than normal. Everything had to be right. I did it loudly, by the book, and that helped reduce the tension:
“We are going to make a normal take-off with all instruments in the green and a minimum of 2300 RPM. We are going to ease it at 55 kts, rotate with 65 kts and climb with 85 kts.
In case of engine failure, obstacle in the runway or loss of control of direction, before the VR we abort the take-off. After the VR with runway available we land in front. Without free runway, we land in front or to the sides, opening a curve of no more than 45º. After the safety altitude, we assess the possibility to return to the runway.
In case of emergency the commands will be with…” With whom, Bro? I was alone in the cockpit.. 🙂
The take-off run went well and the take-off itself as well. Come on! I was up there! The easy part was done. Oh! And the communication? OK. Done. Check after take-off done.
Now I need to land.
Touch point beams. Landing check. Usual visual references: the coconut tree. A big tower that I can see from the plane.
Base leg. Communication.
Turn on final with 300 feet. All is well. Rate of descent of 500 fpm. I have less than 40 seconds to land.
Landing! I finally made my first solo flight. What a conquest!
Thank you, Jack!